
Tuesday 25 November 2014

Athletics run away


To measure this I had to use a protractor to find out the degree of it. The degree of 1 quarter of a circle is 90 degrees. I had to find out what Acute and Obtuse is.


In this game you have to find the answer so you don't have to walk the plank. After you get the answer right you have to roll the dice and see what you get. When I got the answer right I rolled the dice and I got 6 and I got to move back.

Monday 24 November 2014


In this game you have to find the correct answers to the question. If you pick 100 up to 400 and you get them right it will give you points. As you can see got 100 points because I got the answer right.

Thursday 20 November 2014


On this comic you can create 6 strips or you can just create 3 if you want too. When you create a comic you have to make sure you put the right characters you want and you can write on the strip you want to write on.

Friday 14 November 2014