
Monday 8 December 2014

Snow flake puzzle

In this game you have to make a snow flake puzzle out of the pieces that are left. When you create the puzzle you have to make it look like the picture that you see on your top right corner. This was very easy to make because the pieces were all together.

Triangles snowflakes

In this game you have to put the right triangle in each blank space. When you play the game you have to try and figure out how you put it in.

Christmas Maze

In this game you have to listen to the word that comes and then you press on the picture and then it says another and then click on the picture that looks like it. This game is very easy for other people which means that it must be easy for people that play it.

Friday 5 December 2014

Hasbro playhouse

The Hasbro workers have to spend a lot of time building the playhouse for the juniors. When they build it they have to make sure they use the right colour for the playhouse. The playhouse is going to be only for the juniors to play in.

Hasbro playhouse for Glen Innes

These are some of the snapshots of the people that are working and building the playhouse. When they build the playhouse they have to figure out how to make it and how to design it. They have to use paint and cardboard to keep the line straight.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Christmas lights

In this game you have to find your way into the chimney. When you play the game you have to put the arrow high so you can go that high. If you put it low you will go very low. The level I got up to is Level 7.

When you play this game you have to find the correct answer with the question. As you can see the maths question is 5 x 8 and I put 40 which is the correct answer. When you finish putting the answer you have to push enter.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Athletics run away


To measure this I had to use a protractor to find out the degree of it. The degree of 1 quarter of a circle is 90 degrees. I had to find out what Acute and Obtuse is.


In this game you have to find the answer so you don't have to walk the plank. After you get the answer right you have to roll the dice and see what you get. When I got the answer right I rolled the dice and I got 6 and I got to move back.

Monday 24 November 2014


In this game you have to find the correct answers to the question. If you pick 100 up to 400 and you get them right it will give you points. As you can see got 100 points because I got the answer right.

Thursday 20 November 2014


On this comic you can create 6 strips or you can just create 3 if you want too. When you create a comic you have to make sure you put the right characters you want and you can write on the strip you want to write on.

Friday 14 November 2014

Thursday 30 October 2014

How to make a cup of Milo

How to make a cup of Milo

In the winter when it’s cold make a cup of Milo to warm up before going outside. Milo is full of energy and it will make the body stay warm outside.

Before making a cup of Milo these are the equipment and ingredients that are needed. A cup, kettle, teaspoon, Milo, water, milk and sugar.

Check the level of the water in the kettle before turning it on. If the level is too low the kettle might blow. In the meantime put a teaspoon of Milo in the cup, depending on how strong the Milo needs to be. Add the milk up to half way and stir until all the Milo breaks up and dissolves. Once the kettle is boiled take the cup to the kettle in case the boiling water spills. Fill the rest of the cup up with the boiling water and stir it again. Then taste it to see if it needs sweetening. Add sugar at the end and see if it’s just right.

Using Milo helps with strength and energy before going to play outside in the winter.

Friday 24 October 2014


In this game you have to try and get a high score and you have to try and get all of the answer's right. When you play this game you have to try and find the right strategy so you can get the answer right. If you get the answer wrong and the blocks full up then you will lose and you will have to start again. My level that I got up to was Level 2 that was a high level.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

How to make a cup of tea

How to make a cup of tea

Tea is enjoyed by people who like drinking it and like making it with other people. When you make tea you have to have all of the ingredients so you can make a cup of tea with your friends. If they don’t know how to make one go and help them so they know.

To make tea you need ingredients that are needed to make it. If you don’t know the ingredients it should be these hot water, tea bag, sugar, and milk to make a cup of tea for your family.

First boil the water. Next put the tea bag into the cup with and then pour the boiling water into the cup and leave the tea bag in the cup for a few minutes so they can get the colour so it can get brew so it brings out the taste and the colour. After that remove the tea bag and you have to add the sugar and the milk for the personal taste.

When kids make tea you can eat it with toast or biscuits or you can have it with sandwiches. Eating something with tea would be very tasty because other people know what it taste

Friday 17 October 2014

Activity sheet

This week in maths we are learning how to do our number line and place value. We are also using tidy numbers for numbers that are closer to a tens place. In room 12 we have to use a number line to solve harder question if we want to. If we don't want to do it we can just use another equation to solve it. At the end of the worksheet there is always a challenge and sometimes they are hard. When I do this I need to remember so if someone asks me again I know the answer straight away.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Perimeter of Rectangles And Shapes

I made this Comic on Pixton. My comic is about Perimeter and it is about the distance around it.

Friday 12 September 2014

Pakistan flood

In Pakistan their was a flood and people tried to get out.

American Muffins & English Muffins

Today we did a drawing about American Muffins and English Muffins.

Flood in Pakistan

In Pakistan they had a flood and they have to get the people out of cars and out of homes that have sinked.

Monday 8 September 2014

Learn, Create, Share E-book Muffins

Room 11 went to the library and we shared our ebook with Room 7 and Room 8. I  shared my ebook with William he was reading my story and he told me that I made a good ebook. When he came to me I finished my paragraph and I showed it to him and I gave him my netbook and he said to me I don't want to read so I told him you have read so he went to read my ebook. After that I told him we are doing this because our topic is what is in a muffin.

Friday 5 September 2014

Egg fraction

This game is called Egg fractions. This game is suitable for people under the age of 7-11 years old. When you play this game you have compare the fraction that is right. In this game you have to know what the fraction is and you have to put it on the right egg. If you put the wrong egg on the wrong fraction you would have to do it again. But if you get it right you can carry on with it. This game is good for people because it is good for people that don't know their fractions and it can help them learn more about it.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

3D wire art

Screenshot from 2014-09-02 14:31:08.png

In Room 11  we have made an athlete out of wire. We got the wire from a cable that you put on the wall. The art took us 4 weeks to make.  My athlete is a person that is running.

Friday 29 August 2014



In this game you have to try and get the answers right so you can get a higher point and to get more coins. When you play this game you need to know the answer very quick because the timer goes very fast. This game is all about strategy and how you are going to do it.

Thursday 28 August 2014



In this game you have to look at the players and you have to click on one of them. Then you click on the question and you have to answer it so you can get 100 points when you answer each question.

Friday 22 August 2014

Sport people made out fo wire

Today we made sport people out of wire and we put wire all over the sport man or woman. This is really cool because you can put any lour on it and you can do any kind of thing I put a man that was running on a road but I did not cut the paper I just put it on a cardboard and then cut it.


East side.png

Yesterday in the middle block we went to Alfonso so he can show us how to make muffins. He was giving Room 12 and Room 11 a demonstration. Alfonso made a sweet muffin he said to us you can make any muffin with any ingredients. When he put the muffin cups in the tray he said if you have heaps you can have more than 13 cups and if you have less you would have to have less than 10. Alfonso is a spanish man and he can’t speak in english accent properly because he talks to much spanish. His ingredients were eggs, butter, raspberry, blueberry, cheese, flour and walnuts. The way he made the muffin looked very nice and I felt like eating the muffin raw. The muffins were going into the muffin cups and I thought he was going to cook them but the other class came in and we did not get time to eat the muffins.      

Fraction Models

This game is called Fraction Models. In this game you can create your own fraction and you can change the model. My model was length and the I changed it into sets. As you can see the fraction on the game is 4/2 this game is all about fractions and how to make fractions.

Monday 18 August 2014

Sweet and sour rice - Food tech

Last week we made Sweet and Sour Rice it was very tasty. I had a whole piece all to myself and my other partner had another piece all to himself like me. The Sweet and sour rice was very yum I felt like making 2 bowls of it.

Fried rice - Food tech

Today in food tech we made fried rice our ingredients were rice, bacon or ham, mixed vegetables and onion’s. When we made it me and Viliami made it like scrambled eggs it was very nice I wanted to eat it already because it smelt very good.

Friday 15 August 2014

Fraction soccer

In this game you have to find out the answer and drag it to the corner or you can put it straight. The sumdog games are very mathematical you have to find the answer and make it look like it's real. The game that I am playing it is called soccer but you can't move you can only shoot goals I am doing fractions for maths.
Click here to play this game

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Robin Williams

Walt: write a paragraph.
Today I heard that Robin Williams died of depression because he was struggling but he was a great man that made heaps of people inspire him. The best part about Robin Williams is that he makes people laugh because of his funny jokes that he does on T.V. My favourite movie that Robin Williams starred in was Mrs DoubtFire 2 he was the man behind the lipstick and the hair. He inspired me because he was famous and not only that he loved his two daughters before he died of depression.

Friday 8 August 2014

Fractions of a set.


In this game you have to make the fraction that makes the correct answer. If you don’t get the answer right you will have to pick another answer. When I play the game I find the answer very quickly because the fraction is very easy because you have to use your division and multiplication knowledge. When I play fraction games I say to myself I don't know the answer but I do know it.  

Tuesday 5 August 2014

What I think New Zealand did in the Commonwealth Games.

I think that New Zealand did well in the Commonwealth Games because they came six on the ladder for the Commonwealth Games. They have 45 medals they did well because they all participated. But when you compare the medals to the population New Zealand is coming first on the leader board. The most population throughout the 12 countries in the screenshot is New Zealand because they have 4 443 000 and the second population is Wales they have 3 063 456. When New Zealand did the bike cycling they came first in the women’s division and then England came second because New Zealand lady beat the other lady from England just by 2 minutes at the Commonwealth Games.


Monday 4 August 2014

New Zealand team

If the commonwealth games were in New Zealand.

If the Commonwealth games were in New Zealand I would choose a kiwi to be our mascot for New Zealand. If it wouldn't be a kiwi I will choose a monkey to be our new mascot for New Zealand and for people that don’t see monkey’s. When the Commonwealth games start I want to see If it would be a kiwi or a monkey In the stadium. If the kiwi is the mascot it is because he or she is famous. When the kiwi goes to Scotland I want the colour to be blue and red.

When the people in the stadium see clyde the mascot for Scotland they would say,”
Hey look a green mascot for Scotland his name is clyde. I think people in New Zealand should take there own mascot to the commonwealth games and see how the other people like their mascot. If they can’t take their mascot they should take a guest with them so they can hide a costume in the suit case for the guest to put on at the Commonwealth games.

I wonder if people would accept the mascot for glasgow 2014. It would be funny if they make a real life kiwi standing up on 2 legs people will laugh and think it would be funny. The mascot for scotland is a plant but not an animal. When people take their pictures they would want to see who’s behind the mask of clyde.

Friday 1 August 2014

Precious McKenzie

1. Precious McKenzie              A. Born in South Africa
2. First gold medal                    B. 1970 in Edinburgh
3. What academy did he go to  C. Bisham Abbey, Marlow, Buckinghamshire.
4. Sister’s name                        D. Gloria
5. What place did he work for   E. A shoe factory
6. Father killed                           F. Hunting crocodile

Hear is the matching puzzle that I did about Precious McKenzie.


In this game you have to find the fraction that equals the answer. When you go to get the answer you have to move with the arrows but not the mouse. When I played this game I didn't know what to do with this game.

Friday 4 July 2014


In this game we had to make something by scribbling on a blank paper. When you scribble on it something will show up. I scribbled anything and it came up with this.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Snake trouble

This game needs you to eat  mice. When you eat the mice your body will stretch longer and longer. My score was 1200 on this game. It was very difficult because you  get stuck. If you have know way to go you will die and you will have to start again.

Saint kentigan

At Saint Kentigan all the schools from the tamaki cluster went to do sports. When we did the sports we had to have our own spectators from Saint Kentigan college. When we got there we played volley ball with other schools and Team 1 came first. The the next day we had dance class in the morning with a lady and a man. After the dance we played capture the flag with some boys from Saint Kentigans and from different schools.