
Friday 28 March 2014


In this game I am learning my four time tables. I went 4 x 4 is 16 and I clicked on it and I dragged it to the ground. This game is easy for me because I am using my time tables. Next would like to learn my powers of 3. Then I would want to do my diagrams. Then I can do my division once I finish doing my diagram.

Race Relations Day 2014 part 2

On Friday 21st of March Mrs Barry introduced herself to the whole school. Mrs Barry is a New Zealander. Then Mrs Barry had enough of talking so she gave the microphone away to another teacher. Then she turned around and Mr Naidoo took the microphone off her.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Race Relations Day 2014

On Friday the whole school went into the hall with beautiful clothes. Then we had to sit in a big circle. When Mrs Gounder came into she introduced herself to the whole school. Then she told us what language she was. Then she said,”

I am a Fijian and a Indian. Mrs Gounder in in room 3 with the small children.

Monday 24 March 2014

Natasha shackleton

Walt: Create art by studying Natasha Shackleton.

Natasha Shackleton was an artist. She is also a artist that inspires herself when she makes her art. Natasha Shackleton was also born in Otago in New zealand. People around the world inspired her but it wasn’t only the people it was her family too. Natasha liked to paint and to do anything that includes art.

Natasha Shackleton draws anything from landscapes to vehicles. When Natasha doesn't finish her art she goes home and she finishes her art at her house. When I saw her art I looked at it and I saw a Tui on a tree.

When I drew my picture It turned out to be good. Then I put more paint on and it got mixed up. Natasha Shackleton was a really good artist she is one of the best artist in the world. Natasha Inspired me by her art because she put a lot of effort doing it that’s why she is one of the best.




In  maths I was doing multiplication. When I got on the game we had to find the missing number to match the answer. As you put in the answer you have to try and figure out where to put it. When you have some numbers left over and you don’t get them by the time you finish you will lose five points. This game was very easy because all you need to do is look for the matching answer. Then you try to do it again and you have to try and get a better score than last time. The game that I was playing was very difficult because you had to do it really fast.  

Friday 21 March 2014

Learn Create & Share

Yesterday I  read with Josiah. Josiah is from Room 8. When we went to the library yesterday Room 8 was in the library with Room 11. Josiah is very smart at reading.When Josiah read my ebook I was very happy because he read it fluently. Next I had to get another student from Room 8 to come and read my ebook. Then I finished with the student and then we had to go back to class because the bell was going to ring for us to go home.

Friday 14 March 2014

Maths - Grammar

im good.png

When the answer comes ````down bottom you have to find the correct answer. When I did it last time my score was 365 last time. If you run out of time you will see your bonus time if you get it right it will add to the time. When you run out of time the numbers left over will be takeaway five. Then I put the answer I put 2 x 6 = 12.

Thursday 13 March 2014


When I went on the game I saw four guards and one king. Then I saw some people stand in the king and they just stayed there. Then are question comes up and you have to pick an answer that matches it. Then the king will put his stick up and it will change to another level.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Basketball poem


Walt: Write an acrostic poem.

Bouncing and dribbling and pivoting

Are very important

Skills to learn.

Keep the ball in one hand.

Everyone looks at the ball.

They try and take it off you.

Because you have the ball in your hand.

All the time you may have passed to someone else.

Look your friend is running to the hoop. Pass it to him .

Look shoot the ball into the hoop so you can get a point for your team.Skuxxx.png

Thursday 6 March 2014

Science experiment

When the teacher put the red silver beet in the boiling water, the colour of the water suddenly changed into red. It turned red because of the red silver beet the water turn red.Red.png

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Science experiment

Today in Room 11 our class made our own dye out of vegetables. We used brown onion skin. Our teacher showed us how to make dye from vegetables. When the teacher made the dye I was so amazed.